Personal site

Sergey38 years

At 38, Sergey is a General Director of a successful wholesale oil products trade company RESURS, LLC and commodity marketplace OPEN OIL MARKET. He is a team leader for the highly qualified specialists. In the professional trainings he focuses on dedication and flexible thinking.

Sergey demonstrated dedication since he was a child in his basketball and wrestling trainings, which helped him to become a Candidate Master of radio direction finding sports.

He started his university education at National Aerospace University in Kharkiv later transferring to The Academy of Labour and Social Relations in Moscow looking forward to stronger personal and professional development. There he received his second degree in Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

At 19 Sergey started his first business project in construction materials sector. After selling his first business and facing many challenges he could find the market niche for successful professional development – oil products.

The next step was gaining experience in an existing oil products trading company, where he managed to pull the business out of stagnation, followed by sustainable growth. Next crisis has prompted Sergey to search for a solution in the staff development. That case showed that the team is the biggest thing in making business prosperous.

The experience obtained later allowed Sergey to start his own business – RESURS company.

During Skolkovo Practicum for Directors program Sergey was working on a project for Russian oil products market transformation. His commitment to innovations and business technologies inspired the idea than such a «heavy-weighting» sector as oil products market can go together with high technologies.

Born: 26 March 1986 1986-03-26


Office: 115419, Russia, Moscow, Ordzonikidze, d. 11/10